On Wed, 6 Mar 2013, Knut Petersen wrote:

A 2nd issue: title generation does work, but it is broken. Only the last
characters of the
subsubtitle string are used, title and subtitle strings are completely
Are you referring to https://github.com/aspiers/ly2video/issues/49 ?

My subsubtitle is a youtube address:

title = "This will be ignored"
subtitle = "This also will be ignored"
subsubtitle = "Quelle: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1q2r3s4t5u6";

First of all, title and subtitle are ignored, the subsubtitle string is used.
Probably the issue 49 problem.

I have found an easy workaround for this problem: In your lilypond file simply put the line with the title AFTER the subtitle and subsubtitle lines.

Another workaround is to make a small change in ly2video.py. This patch will only work if there is at least one space before "title" in your Lilypond file. For me this also works. I am not very good at regular expressions, but I guess the real fix requires a better matching regular expression in that line in ly2video.py.
Until then, here is my easy hack:

--- ly2video.py.orig    2013-03-07 09:40:54.675565398 +0100
+++ ly2video.py 2013-03-07 09:52:19.787389048 +0100
@@ -1723,7 +1723,7 @@
                 fSanitisedLyFile.write("\\header {\n   tagline = ##f composer = 
                 headerPart = True

-            if re.search("title\\s*=", line):
+            if re.search(" title\\s*=", line):
                 titleText.name = line.split("=")[-1].strip()[1:-1]
             if re.search("composer\\s*=", line):
                 titleText.author = line.split("=")[-1].strip()[1:-1]



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