
  What happens when we need an awkward length R like R1*12/8*14?


On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 3:05 PM, Kieren MacMillan
<> wrote:
> Hello all,
> While answering Helge's post about multi-measure rests, I had a couple of 
> R-elated observations/thoughts:
> 1. We shouldn't be encouraging code like R4*3 in a 4/4 measure, right? So the 
> duration ultimately makes no sense anyway.
> 2. The most elegant solution would be to use R (i.e., with no duration) to 
> represent a multimeasure rest, and it would "adapt" in duration to whatever 
> time signature was in force at that moment.
> 3. Then R14 (e.g.) would represent 14 *measures*, not beats/counts — again, 
> simpler, more elegant, and certainly more intuitive than the current 
> situation.
> Would it be difficult to implement such a scheme (play-on-words intended)?
> Best regards,
> Kieren.
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