I'm trying to create a function to display harmonics as shown in the
attached images.

harmonic1.png is in the alto clef with the sounded pitches written in the
treble clef
[image: Inline images 3]

harmonic4.png is an acciaccatura all in the alto clef
[image: Inline images 4]

This is where I got to:

harmonicFingered =
  (parser location note) (ly:music?)
  \stemNeutral #note

harmonicActual =
  (parser location note) (ly:music?)
  \once \override Accidental #'font-size = #-4
  \once \override Accidental #'extra-offset = #'(2 . 0)
  \tweak Stem #'stencil ##f
  \tweak Flag #'stencil ##f
  \tweak #'font-size #-4
  \tweak #'X-offset #1.75

harmonicActualGrace =
  (parser location note) (ly:music?)
  \once \override Accidental #'font-size = #-4
  \tweak Stem #'stencil ##f
  \tweak Flag #'stencil ##f
  \tweak #'font-size #-4

harmonicBoth =
#(define-music-function (parser location fingered actual) (ly:music?
<<{\harmonicFingered $fingered } \new Voice {\harmonicActual $actual }>>

harmonicGrace =
#(define-music-function (parser location fingered actual) (ly:music?
<<{\harmonicFingered $fingered } \new Voice {\harmonicActualGrace $actual
}>> \oneVoice

(for everything except acciaccaturas/grace notes I am putting the sounded
pitch after the fingered pitch to be consistent (the original score has
some before and some after) - for acciaccaturas I am aligning them

Which gets things more or less right for most situations -
e.g. \harmonicBoth <e\harmonic>4_\flageolet e'}

However, I would be very grateful if someone could help me to

a) clean up the function a bit to be more Lilypondian - I don't think I
have done things in the correct/logical way here (I am quite new to this!)

b) if possible allow adding a treble clef or ottava to the sounded pitch

c) make slurs/tuplet brackets etc. avoid the notehead in the same way as
they do  normal noteheads.

As an aside, why do \flageolets always appear above the note unless
specified with a _?

Many thanks!



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