Carl Peterson <> writes:

> As I mentioned in another thread, I'm working on a hymnal/psalter project
> and ideally would like to justify both the left and right edges of each
> line of lyrics. I'm willing to settle for the left edge, if the right edge
> is too cumbersome to do. I manually right-justified the last syllables on
> one psalm, but hard right justification doesn't look good since it puts the
> right edge under the notehead. My concern with fractional right
> justification is that if it is proportional (setting the alignment to #0.5
> justifies halfway between center and right, relative to the width of the
> syllable), I'll still end up with a ragged line.

Carl - the syllables in the sample that you posted appear to all be
vowel-centered, not right-justified. Have you tried the "vowel-centered
lyrics" modification that some people are using? It works quite well for
me. The left-justified first syllable of the stanza would still be a
problem to solve, but maybe this will help with everything else.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding and your right-justified last syllables are
coming from a different source.


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