On Tue, 2013-04-16 at 15:44 +0200, Janek Warchoł wrote:
> Thanks.
> I'm wondering whether a similar feature could be easily implemented in
> Frescobaldi.
There is quite a lot of machinery to achive this behind the scenes.
> btw, maybe it would be possible to skip that "click on the middle
> line" part of you used David Nalesnik's \offset
> https://codereview.appspot.com/8647044/ ?

That sounds attractive, though I don't understand enough of the
terminology to follow what this \offset is going to do. (I discovered
that the X-offset,Y-offset values were relative to the staff-center line
and notehead red dot by trial-and-error rather than reading the manual).
I think there probably has to be a second positioning click after
designating the trill as the object of interest, but it could be on the
notehead's red dot(*). So if \offset then took values relative to that
point (the nothead's red dot) this would be easy to do and a more
natural interface.


(*) There is another sort of tweak that I have already implemented in
Denemo where you click on the notehead and it finds the staff center
line by calculation using the information that Denemo has about which
note it is that has been clicked on (this works because the note head in
the pdf has a link back to the lilypond text which Denemo stores with
links back to the Denemo note). But this is more complicated to
implement, rests are a special case for that code ...

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