2013/4/23 Federico Bruni <fedel...@gmail.com>:
> 2013/4/23 Tim McNamara <tim...@bitstream.net>
>> I almost never use open strings even with first position chords when
>> playing jazz.  There are a few Jim Hall-ish situations that are exceptions
>> to this.
> that's the point: open strings are the exception, so being enabled by
> default will sound weird to most of us
> we are not discussing about removing restrainOpenStrings, of course
> it's just about what should be the default for minimumFret

Being a classic guitarist, I don't care about todays tablatures at
all. Using them _is_ the exception.

Though, there are the historical ones, with lots of open strings ...
Setting restrainOpenStrings to this or that is a overrideable design decision.
I don't mind which decision is choosen, though, there's more to
consider than blues, rock and jazz.


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