Am 03.05.2013 18:13, schrieb Sarah k Alawami:
> I read the docs on how to do this but is there an easier way to memorize how 
> to do this? the fractions confuse the heck out of me lol! I'm in 12/8 so I'll 
> have 4 doted quarter notes so would the multi measure rest look like this for 
> one measure
> R4. R4. R4. R4. |
> for example?

Hi Sarah,

multimeasure rests have a duration of the full measure (4/4 = 1  in a
4/4 measure for example). So in your 12/8 measure you can only have one
single 12/8 full measure rest in it:

R1*12/8  or R1.

If you want to have 4 dotted quarter rests you have to use the "lower
case" rests because they do not fill the measure:

r4. r4. r4. r4. |

If you want to repeat them:
\repeat unfold 5 { r4. r4. r4. r4. }


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