Le 02/06/2013 17:50, Thomas Morley disait :

In the attached code I tried to affect BassFigure. Not sure whether
it's the best way, though it works.
In addition I added code to affect ChordName and FretBoard, too, and
reworked the definition for `read-out'.

As far as I can observe with such a definition:

    \new  FiguredBass \figuremode {
      \set figuredBassAlterationDirection = #RIGHT
      %\set figuredBassPlusDirection = #RIGHT
      <[12 _!] 8 [6  4]>1  <[_- 9\+] 5 [6+  4]> } >>

only 'BassFigure seems to be needed in the list.

Only nitpicking, as you can notice, is that it is the right side of the digits (9, 5 and 6) that get aligned on the center of the note and not the "full box".

Nevertheless, thanks a lot for spending time on this.


<<attachment: center-note-column-14.preview.png>>

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