DW <jdmusictuit...@gmail.com> writes:

> Thanks, I will take you up on that if you don't mind :)
> I am more than happy contribute my time and effort to such an indexing
> effort, I think something of that nature would help enormously to
> improve the general usability of what I consider to be by far the best
> music editor available.

Well, LilyPond is not really an editor...

> While we are on the topic of general improvements. One way I have
> found that makes editing a lot easier is to export snippets to .jpg
> and then using picture editors for larger scale alignments. My problem
> is that many .pdf to .jpg converters often leave artifacts.

I think the "usual" way is to generate SVG format, then use Inkscape on
the result.  In olden times, one would have probably generated
PostScript and edited it with Tailor on a NeXT computer, but I don't
think that those are around any more.

David Kastrup

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