On Aug 5, 2013 11:07 AM, "Carl Peterson" <carlopeter...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Seeing a column of flush-left syllables in the middle of a line of lyrics
when there are 3-5 verses just looks *bad*, even if it is technically


Anyway, I'll take the vocalists' word for it. I still believe any
professional engraver (who is not a perfect lunatic) would not allow a wide
syllable at the end of a system to interfere with the note spacing to such
a ghastly degree, so I've taken the approach of forcing a system break
before affected bars. It all looks a lot better. And actually, now I'm
inclined to think that pushing the final note to the right would just make
the spacing look weird earlier in the bar...

So in the end, the optimal solution was to avoid the issue rather than
fighting it: nothing in my lead sheet is non-standard for singers, and
there is not a single ugly end-of-line now.

Thanks for the clarification, all, and helping me to see a solution that
was better than my first thought.

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