> I think "so poorly documented that in practice almost no one can
> understand how it works" still can't qualify as "in effect
> proprietary".

It is not *that* badly documented.  However, the number of people who
understand Metafont are rather small today.

> - Someone who doesn't really want to (but is fully capable of)
>   writing two very specific major pieces of documentation -
>   "Successfully Using Emmentaler Outside of Lilypond" and
>   "Jarlsberg: A Start-to-Finish Guide to Creating New Drop-In
>   Replacements for Emmentaler" - decides to spend time writing them
>   anyway.

Writing better documentation is *always* a good idea.  If you look at
the applied patches to the lilypond repository, more than 90% are
documentation patches.  However, there isn't an urgent need to improve
things w.r.t. Emmentaler, because it simply works, and apparently no
volunteer has enough interest to change this situation.  In other
words: If there is no itch, noone will scratch.


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