My approach to handling parts for hymn settings is to define the music for
the verses and chorus independently and then apply nested simultaneous and
sequential voices. So, for instance,

\score { <<
    \new Staff = "top" {
    << \new Voice = "sopRef" { \sopRefrainNotes } \new Voice = "altRef" {
\altRefrainNotes } >>
    << \new Voice = "sopVrs" { \sopVerseNotes } \new Voice = "altVrs" {
\altVerseNotes } >>

    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopRef" { \refrainLyrics }
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopVrs" { \verseLyrics }

    \new Staff = "bottom" {
    << \new Voice = "tenRef" { \tenRefrainNotes } \new Voice = "basRef" {
\basRefrainNotes } >>
    << \new Voice = "tenVrs" { \tenVerseNotes } \new Voice = "basVrs" {
\basVerseNotes } >>
>> }

What this does is define the music in the score block according to the hymn
structure. This is a simplified version of the score block I actually use
for my hymn settings. I have an extra layer of complexity because I define
bars, breaks, rehearsal marks ("CHORUS," "D.C. al Fine," etc.) in a
separate voice and I use the part combiner functions with these individual
voices hidden so that I can still hook lyrics on them.


On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 7:48 PM, Joshua Nichols <>wrote:

> Here's the problem:
> I would like to format for a refrain at the beginning of a hymn.
> I'm unsure of the manuals (both snippet and notation) when it comes to
> this, because it doesn't show 4 part harmony (independent voices) in the
> examples. I'm not sure what to do.
> Here's the parsing error message:
> 126:50 <http://0>: error: unknown escaped string: `\verse'
> \new Voice = "soprano" { \voiceOne \refrain
> \verse }
> C:/Documents and Settings/josh/Desktop/Men Rest U<http://1>:
> error: syntax error, unexpected STRING
> \new Voice = "soprano" { \voiceOne \refrain
> \verse }
> C:/Documents and Settings/josh/Desktop/Men Rest U<http://2>:
> error: errors found, ignoring music expression
>  \new ChoirStaff <<
> fatal error: failed files: "C:/Documents and Settings/josh/Desktop/Men
> Rest U"
> Exited with return code 1.
> and attached is the full file.
> How would I setup a hymn to include a refrain in the beginning?
> Sincerely,
> Josh
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