Kieren MacMillan <> writes:

> Hello all,
> Consider the following minimal snippet:
> \version "2.17.13"
> global = {
>   \repeat "unfold" 8 { s1 }
> }
> notes = \relative c' {
>   R1*4
>   c1
>   R1*3
> }
> \score {
>   \new Staff << \global \notes >>
> }
> This may seem like a contrived example — and in its minimal state, I
> suppose it is — but I run into this situation constantly in my
> large-forces scores (e.g., operas, musicals, orchestra works, etc.),
> because there are often valid reasons for my global variable(s) to be
> "split up".
> Question: Is there a way to force the MMRs (in \notes) to combine (in
> the Staff), despite the fact that the skips (in \global) are broken
> up? Currently, I'm using a series of tags to work around it, but it is
> extremely hacky, time-consuming, and prone to trial-and-error.

Looks loosely related to
<URL:>.  This is
obviously not helpful to you, but it's pointing out that the "spanner
nature" of multi measure rests shows problems in other areas as well.

David Kastrup

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