Am 04.12.2013 19:44, schrieb David Kastrup:
Catering for integration of Frescobaldi would be a real headache.  And
the documentation would need adapting as well.  That's not to say
anything about the value provided by such an approach, but it would
likely make a lot more sense and a lot less work if the primary
installed application was Frescobaldi and it offered to install LilyPond
for you using one of our installers, rather than trying to do it the
other way round.

It would also make juggling with several versions a lot nicer since then
Frescobaldi can manage paths, and knows where it put things.

I don't know if that's something which could get a sufficient majority because it somehow would make Frescobaldi look like an official editor ;-)

Bit I'm quite sure it would be trivial to include such a functionality in Fresobaldi. It would be simple to add a menu item that looks for updates, fetches and installs LilyPond, and finally adds it to the list of configured LilyPond instances. Such a function could easily be added to the installation process of Frescobaldi.

Well, maybe a good idea to add that anyway.


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