2013/12/5 Ryan McClure <ryanmichaelmccl...@gmail.com>:
> On 12/05/2013 05:20 PM, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
>> The way many Windows installers work is that they present you as a user
>> with a list of components to select to be installed, of which some will be
>> selected (or not) by default.  There's no reason not to have Frescobaldi
>> bundled with the installer but deselectable if you don't want it.
> What about the option of having other editors such as Denemo as well as an
> option? I myself prefer Frescobaldi, but I know that a few prefer Denemo. I
> feel it to be a bit unfair to only have one option bundled with an
> installer.

This is a good idea, but as David already said, it's actually not easy
to implement. :-/
Hey, what about this (just for now): since it's hard to actually
install additional software, we could at least have links to
Frescobaldi/Denemo webpages in Lily's installer, so that the users
could install them themselves.  David, this should be easy to do?


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