On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 7:10 AM, Phil Burfitt <phil.burf...@talktalk.net>wrote:

> From: "Janek Warchoł" <janek.lilyp...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Friday, December 06, 2013 11:16 AM
>>  * why are you out-sourcing tracking (google analytics)?
>> I suppose that when that was decided upon, there may have been no good
>> free alternatives to Google Analytics.
>> But now there is for example Piwik - we're using it for the blog, and
>> i think it's good.  Paul, do you think it would be a good fit for
>> lilypond.org?
>> best,
>> Janek
> AWstats? Webalizer? Just about every web hosting server out there has one
> or both of these.

Here is the question that gets to your question: what are the server-side
capabilities of the LilyPond web server? I think one of the issues is that
some of these require backend capabilities that may or may not be
available. Also, is the code for those compatible where they can be
included as part of the project (if that's an issue)?

My question: does the lilypond server have PHP capability? If so, I can
look at putting together a basic traffic/analytics package. But that's
somewhat a "down the road" issue.
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