Am 10.12.2013 07:19, schrieb Urs Liska:
Am 10.12.2013 00:49, schrieb Janek Warcho?:
2013/12/8 David Kastrup<>:
"Shall be" does not state when.  It's certainly not a replacement for a
formal submission.  If someone finds a way to get hold of the author and
get him to place the thing in some public place with a clear license
statement, it would not get lost in case he becomes harder to reach.
The problem is that he had already become harder to reach.
Anyway, i think it would be a good idea to try to contact him using
other means - telephone, other email?
But this should be done by someone speaking German.  For example, i
but i'm not sure if it could be of actual use because i don't
understand German and thus don't understand the full context :-/


lilypond-user mailing list

I'll give that a try.
But it's of course not sure that this actually points at the right place ...

Trying to call that number was responded by "Unknown Number".
Together with this:

I think we can conclude that Torsten Hämmerle _is_ unavailable for the time being.

Wo what should we do?
I reread the statement in Torsten's initial message:

" At any rate, the whole LilyJAZZ issue shall be open and free (just like Lilypond), so I first had to create my own fonts in order to become independent of commercial ones."

and I'm quite positive that this is meant as a submission to LilyPond's licence.

Please have look at
for my reasoning and proposed solution.

So: All that have worked with and on LilyJAZZ in the meantime, please make it available in our library. Please create an includable LilyJAZZ.ily file in that folder, a working file beside, and complete the README with installation/usage instructions.


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