Hi all,

I'd like describe in my score how to play certain ornametns by adding the
way to play it in a piece of music, shown as a footnote. I find some
explanation about how to create footnotes, but in the manual I've found
only explanations with text as footnote.

I've tried this for example:

footnoteOne= \relative c'{

a16 b a fis


music = \relative c'{

\footnote #'(0 . 3) \footnoteOne g4


Also, as far I've seen in sheet music here, I most often see a simple "1)"
(without quotes) as a reference to a footnote, right above the note in
question, without the line pointing to the footnote number. So I'm guessing
my terminology is not quite right, and perhaps, I'm looking for the wrong
way to do it, perhaps it isn't a 'footnote' as such in a score when a piece
of music is in the footnote, or was I right all along, is it just a matter
of markup, and can someone point me into the right direction on how to
achieve it?



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