Urs Liska <ul <at> openlilylib.org> writes:

> Hi all Git users,
> I'd like to make a survey on how you are working with Git.
> Do you use the command line exclusively, or a GUI (which one(s))?
> Or a GUI for certain tasks and the command line for others?

I don't have an opinion on git pedagogy. In my own usage, I use the command 
line for "maintenance" (managing branches, pull/push etc.) and qgit for 
committing and searching history.

I wouldn't say qgit is especially full-featured, but its commit interface 
makes it very easy to bundle changes to multiple files under one commit. It's 
quicker than "git add" + "git commit." I also find it very helpful to review 
diffs in the preview pane before committing.

(I used to use emacs C-x v commands, but I could never figure out how to stage 
multiple files for one commit. Emacs's git integration seems to work on the 
current file only.)


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