Interesting behaviour!

I suggest you also open an issue at the snippets repo so the problem
doesn't get lost.


Am Donnerstag, den 09.01.2014, 21:54 +0100 schrieb Simon Bailey:
> hi all,
> when running the following file (sorry, this is as minimal as i can get it):
> <<<
> \version "2.18.0"
> \language "deutsch"
> \include "openlilylib/notation-snippets/shaping-bezier-curves/shapeII.ily"
> \relative c' {
> \time 4/4
> e1 | \break
> a8 h ~ h8 cis8
> \shapeII #'((h)(0 . 1.5)(ap 85 1)(h)) Slur
> \tuplet 3/2 8 { e16( f f,) e'( f f,) }
> \shapeII #'(()) Slur
> e'8( f)\! |
> fis1
> }
> >>>
> i get the attached weird slur on the second tuplet group. removing the
> "\break" gives me the output in the 2nd line.
> any ideas why this is happening? and why it is so inconsistent?
> regards,
> sb
> --
> Do not meddle in the affairs of trombonists, for they are subtle and
> quick to anger.
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