ok, I found it, it was not the header of a \book .

In the 'master' document in which I include the child-files I have a header
file, which is not in a \book , but just a regular \header like for a
single score, in which I had a title="Studie" line. That one got repeated
as title on the different \bookparts.

I don't know if that is the intended result, because it was not in a \book
in the master document. If it is, everything is ok :-). I now deleted the
'title="Studie' from the header of the main file and have it set only in
the first \bookpart, which seems to work.



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2014-02-01 Federico Bruni <fedel...@gmail.com>:

> 2014/2/1 bart deruyter <bart.deruy...@gmail.com>
>> Thanks for the tips :-) . I noticed that the title of the first bookpart
>> got printed in the header of the second bookpart, when there wasn't a new
>> title defined. I chose not to print the title, and used:
>> title =""
>> in the subsequent headers of the bookparts
> mmh, strange: it doesn't happen here.. it would be a bug if it did
> I think that the header of your first bookpart is not in a \bookpart but
> in a \book
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