Hi Yann,

On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 3:39 PM, Yann <yann....@free.fr> wrote:

> I think this is a not working example for what he asked for:
> >
> > \version "2.18.0"
> > {
> >   a a a a
> > }
> > \addlyrics {
> >   A B C D
> >   % what should be written here instead?
> >   \display Lyrics.LyricExtender.minimum-length
> > }
> >
> > Joram
> >
> Thank you both for your answers. Yes Joram, this is would be a not
> working minimal example for my 1st question.

There's no way to do this except through Scheme.  Here I'm overriding
'after-line-breaking (a dummy property) with a procedure which displays the
property you want to the console.  Note that the value 1.5 is the default
setting which you see in
"minimum-length".  Note also that the default value and the override
to 1 aren't printed in order!  Just the way it is...


  a a a a


\addlyrics {

  \override LyricExtender.after-line-breaking =

  #(lambda (grob)

    (display "minimum-length: ")

    (display (ly:grob-property grob 'minimum-length))


A __ B

 \override LyricExtender.minimum-length = 1

C __ D


Or, prettier:


  a a a a


\addlyrics {

\override LyricExtender.after-line-breaking =

#(lambda (grob)

  (format #t "minimum-length: ~a~%"

    (ly:grob-property grob 'minimum-length)))

A __ B

 \override LyricExtender.minimum-length = 1

C __ D


Another of your questions:

>>I've seen that there's a user settable property of the
>>lyric-extender-interface called "next". How can I access this?

Again, the only way to access the grob and do something with it would be
through Scheme.  You can get at it through the procedure ly:grob-object.

Here I make the pointed-to grob red:


  a a a a


\addlyrics {

\override LyricExtender.after-line-breaking =

#(lambda (grob)

  (let ((n (ly:grob-object grob 'next)))

    (if (ly:grob? n)

       (set! (ly:grob-property n 'color) red))))

A __ B C __ D


>>it be of some help for my current problem ?

Possibly.  You could, for example, get its horizontal position and replace
the LyricExtender stencil with a longer one.

Looking at the link though, it strikes me that automating this could be a
rather challenging problem, though, and involve more labor than simply
tweaking Kieren's solution to fit different situations.

Sorry also, I didn't fully explained what is my final goal with all
> this, but just cited a previous post. For next time, what is the best
> way to do ? Repost all the background+example, or just give reference
> to the previous post ?

The link was partly helpful.  The problem was that I got lost in the
details of your response to Kieren there, and a little overwhelmed by all
the questions in your first email here.

Simple bite-sized questions with a tiny code snippet (like Joram's) will
generally get a quick response.

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