At 15:48 18/04/2014 +0200, Urs Liska wrote:
Am 18.04.2014 15:38, schrieb Brian Barker:
No - certainly not (though I know people who do!). You are quite right not to believe I could be that foolish. But there is still a difference in the representations: in musical notation, a note on the F line after a key signature of G major represents an F#; in Lilypond notation, an F after \key g\major represents F natural.

This is because the score is already a graphical representation.

No - that surely makes no difference? Both musical notation and Lilypond notation *could* work the other way around - if anyone were to prefer this. (Note that I've expressed no such preference!)

... in Amadeus you'll write the pitch you _see_ and not the one you hear.
I also would not ever want to change LilyPond's behaviour in that respect, but I write this to show that there _are_ people (who have to be taken seriously) who would consider the other approach superior.

Exactly (but I'm still fence-sitting).

Brian Barker

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