I recently encountered this problem in a composition of my own and just ignored the warning, because the MIDI dynamics rendition did not have any importance for me. As a matter of fact, this notation may seem illogical, but there are many occurences of it, and many have asked what it means. I find it pretty straightforward, once you have an idea of its use: With a decrescendo, its meaning is similar to an accent, only perhaps more gentle and espressivo; that is to say, start a little above the dynamic you previously had and return to it by means of a diminuendo. With a crescendo, there is some ambiguity: either you return to the dynamic value from before the crescendo, or you stay where you arrived through the crescendo. Other interpretations may be possible, but I don't think unambiguity needs to be avoided, since it's a question of style also: in the 18th century and beginning 19th, dynamics are specified with increasing exactness, but for a long time remain incomprehensive and from later perspective leave gaps, which the performer is required to fill himself. And it would be inadequate to eliminate these seeming inconsequencies, which are typical. As I said, I was very happy to have this in a composition of my own (which was actually kept in some early 19th century style) and it expressed exactly what I meant. So don't be over-correct :-)

Simon Albrecht

Am 16.05.2014 18:15, schrieb Phil Holmes:
Well, LilyPond has the same problem as a performer would. If you're crescendoing, at what dynamic are you starting from?

Phil Holmes

    ----- Original Message -----
    *From:* Knute Snortum <mailto:ksnor...@gmail.com>
    *To:* lilypond-user@gnu.org <mailto:lilypond-user@gnu.org>
    *Sent:* Friday, May 16, 2014 3:21 PM
    *Subject:* MIDI dynamics parsing error

    Short Description: I get an error from LilyPond that it can't
    figure out the MIDI volume to start a crescendo with in some

    Details:  The error message is...

        (De)crescendo with unspecified starting volume in MIDI.
            { bf4 %{ \mf %}
          \< a16 ( \sf gf' f ef ) bf4 %{ \mf %} \< a16 ( \sf gf' f ef ) }

        programming error: Impossible or ambiguous (de)crescendo in MIDI.
        continuing, cross fingers

    The source code is...

    \version "2.18.2"
    \language "english"

    upper = \relative c'''' {
      | gf16-. \f ef-. df-. cf-. bf ( \sf df cf af )
        gf-. \sf ef-. df-. cf-. bf ( \sf df cf af )
        { bf4 %{ \mf %} \< a16 ( \sf gf' f ef ) bf4 %{ \mf %} \< a16 (
    \sf gf' f ef ) }
        { <af, f>16 q q q a4 <af f>16 q q q a4 }

    \score {
      \new Staff = "up" {
        \clef treble
      \layout {
      \midi {
        \tempo 4 = 120

    If you uncomment the \mf in line nine, the problem goes away.  At
    first I thought this was because of the two voices, but when I
    compile the \relative part by itself, that is, no \score section,
    there is no warning.

    I'm assuming this is a bug in LilyPond and adding the \mf dynamic
    mark is a workaround. If not, please show me the correct way to do

    Since Mussorgsky didn't write the \mf, I want to hide it, but
    \hide Dynamics doesn't seem to work.  How would I do this, or is
    there a better way around this problem?

    Knute Snortum
    (via Gmail)

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