Am 01.07.2014 20:50, schrieb bart deruyter:
Hi all,

I've got an issue here with rests.
I have three voice score with rests in the second voice . There simply is not enough space for the rest between the highest and the lowest note, so I tried to move the rest to the left using:

\once \override Rest #'extra-offset = #'(-1 . 0)

Is there a way to solve this, or another method that should be used to solve this kind of problem? Or is it common to hide the rest in these cases?

I've added screen captures.


\version "2.18"


{ d''4 d'' } \\

{ f'4 f' } \\


% extra-offset is applied after the layout

% has been made, so it can't handle collisions,

% while X-offset can.

\once\override Rest.X-offset = -1

% the following is a shortcut to explicitly

% set the staff-position of the rest


% just decide which looks better to you in context

\once\override Rest.X-offset = 1.5

b'\rest }



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