Am 04.07.2014 17:14, schrieb Paul Morris:
Uns Liska wrote
Am 03.07.2014 19:50, schrieb Paul Morris:
Hi Urs,  This is looking like an improvement to me.  Here's a thought.
the emphasis is on include-ability, what about just having all the
files at the same level in the "Library" directory, without needing to
categorize them by putting them in different directories by topic?  Then
could just do \include "filename.ily" without having to remember what
category directory a file is in.  (Maybe stylesheets still gets a
since they are a clear case of a different kind of file with a specific

This is definitely something we should discuss. Although I actually like
having a category path explicitly written in the input file.

You could always just add the category with a comment:

   \include "file-name.ily" % category-name


Uns Liska wrote
And: at least Frescobaldi can show you the available categories through
autocompletion (at least after entering the start of the _first_ folder

True, but you still have to know which category the file is in, and there
will probably always be files that might be in more than one.

I can see the point and I'm ready to accept that approach. There is one issue, however, that I'd like to discuss before making any decision.

    \include "file-name.ily"

opens the door wide for name conflicts. The more the names are speaking the more they will be likely to exist in other places too. Particularly as much of the stuff we have (and will have) is of quite similar characteristic as all the other files inside LilyPond which can be included directly.

So I would suggest inserting a kind of namespace through the following:

- don't name the root directory "library" but "oll"
  This is a good "prefix" as it is characteristic _and_ short
- let the user add the actual root directory instead of the "oll"
  subdirectory to the include path
- let the files be included with
  \include "oll/file-name.ily"

The idea of making the navigation work through tagging the actual snippets sounds like a good idea. This allows for more than one category, even a main category plus secondary entries in different categories. It will require a stricter handling of snippet metadata, but I think this is more of a good thing than an annoyance ;-)

Uns Liska wrote
This is probably the way to go anyway. Actually I had this in mind since
the first steps with the repository. I'd like to have a script that
walks through the whole library and generates documentation from the
metadata stored in the files. And just recently I realized that the Wiki
is the place for this to go. This script would then create the TOC,
together with some short descriptions of the categories, and
additionally it could create a detail page for each snippet/item, using
its example file to create png images.

This sounds good!  Although not trivial to do.

Actually I don't think it's too complex if we enforce a certain level of standardization in the snippets metadata and internal file organization.

You could list each item by
category and/or by tags from the metadata.  The wiki could be the place for
this, or even a website ( outside of github, with links to
the files on github.  (A website might offer easier automated page
generation (?), more flexibility, and no one would be tempted to manually
edit the page like on the wiki.)

There's two aspects to that. From a user's perspective you're completely right that would be a suitable place for that documentation. The issue with that is that currently I'm the only one with push access to that domain (it's driven by Git, and I can't give any others access to that without giving them _full_ access to my server. The content itself is maintained in a Github repository, but in order to make it available at the web site I have to push to another remote.). I'm considering moving to a different server with root access - which would allow me to create a dedicated "user" for git. But I'm still having issues with the mail server at the new provider, so I'm reluctant to follow with my remaining materials there too.

On the other hand we can easily restrict editing of the Wiki to registered project members which would drastically simplify the situation.

However I assume that I'll rather solve my server issues than finish an auto-documentation script before that ...

One nice thing about decoupling the actual location of the files (their
include path) from the categories/tags/navigation structure, is that you can
change the latter as needed as the library changes and matures, without
breaking compatibility with existing files that are already using the

Very good point!



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