Am 14.07.2014 13:01, schrieb Charles Marshall:
> Thanks to everyone who responded to my Line width question, and
> especially to Janek Warchol and Robin Bannister who provided working
> solutions.  Robin's is:  \stopStaff s16*25  placed just after the last
> line inside each Voice in my application with ragged-last = ##f .
> Charlie

>From your mail I suppose the previous answers are working for you.
Because I was interested myself in a solution, I tried Janeks proposal
and as you said that works. Here is a minimal example for completeness:

\version "2.18.2"

\paper {
  ragged-last = ##t

  a a a a \break
  \override Score.SpacingSpanner #'base-shortest-duration =
    #(ly:make-moment 1 128)
  a a a a \bar "|."

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