Am 07.09.2014 um 18:05 schrieb Son_V:
Thanks Phil, for your answer - but I usually (is it right?), as in your
example, write "Sanc __tus"
The problem is that you confuse hyphens (-) with underscores (_). In your examples, you have two underscores inbetween the syllables of ‘sanctus’; but what you need in that place are two hyphens: sanc -- tus, in order to obtain a correct lyric hyphen from LilyPond. And the two underscores __ are used to make an extender line in such cases as you asked about, when the last syllable of a word has many notes. (And a single underscore serves as an empty syllable, so to speak, in order to skip notes.)


PS. I’d rather write san -- ctus instead of sanc -- tus, but I don’t know of any fixed rules for Latin hyphenation and therefore am not sure.

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