
i have a function that takes music as an argument and uses it twice - each
time with a different tag appended, so that later on i can decide what to

voiceDivisi =
#(define-music-function (parser location m1 m2) (ly:music? ly:music?)
     \tag divI \context Voice = "divI" { #m1 }
     \tag divII \context Voice = "divII" { #m2 }
     \tag together \context Voice = "both" << #m1 #m2 >>

The problem is that when used with relative mode, the output gets crazy:

music = \relative c' {
  \voiceDivisi {
    c4 d e f
    e4 f g a

\new Staff \keepWithTag divI \music
\new Staff \keepWithTag divII \music
\new Staff \keepWithTag together \music

(see attachment)

I have checked that the problem disappears when the function uses the
arguments (m1 and m2) only once.  Is this a bug?  Can i work around it, or
maybe i should be doing this in an altogether different way?

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