On Dec 23, 2014, at 5:41 AM, Phil Holmes <m...@philholmes.net> wrote:
> According to typesetting rules (see Behind Bars by Elaine Gould, for example) 
> rests should remain consistently placed with respect to staff lines.  This 
> means that when they are moved, they should be moved in 2 pitch increments, 
> not one.

Yup, I tried that; for some reason it didn't move.  I haven't investigated 
further--I wound up finding a much more elegant way to place the rests (which 
did require manual tweaking).

I think a clearer understanding of how the \voiceOne ... \voiceN stuff works 
would have helped me--I'd seen something about it when I did my previous 
manuscript, but then forgot about it by the time I started this one.   
Hopefully I won't forget to use explicit voices next time.

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