2014-12-29 14:05 GMT+01:00 <list_lilyp...@infopower.nl>:

> I'm trying to write out Alvin Lee's (phenomenal) guitar solo from
> his Woodstock performance of I'm going home with 10 Years After, and
> for the bends got the guitar-string-bending notation-snippet
> http://3.hidemyass.com/ip-1/encoded/czovL2dpdGh1Yi5jb20vb3BlbmxpbHlsaWIvb3BlbmxpbHlsaWIvYmxvYi9tYXN0ZXIvbm90YXRpb24tc25pcHBldHMvZ3VpdGFyLXN0cmluZy1iZW5kaW5nL2RlZmluaXRpb25zLmlseQ%3D%3D
> However, after invocation of the snippet (see .ly file attached) I get
> two TAB 'phenomena' in the pdf output file (see .pdf file attached).
> Can anyone guide me on how to prevent/remove those?
Hi Joe

I think that it happens because it assumes that you want to use a TabStaff
Also, Marc Hohl recommended me (in a private email) to use voice contexts
or you may have some problems. I'll add it to the README on github.

Finally, there are issues when a bend occurs at a line break. Very annoying
because it happens all of a sudden as the page formatting changes.
Harm sent me a modified version of the \bendOn function, which seems to
work fine on my files.
I intended to test it more but I think that I'd better push it to github so
others (including you) can test and report any problem.

I'll do it tonight.
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