On 1/3/15 5:02 PM, "Jaime E Oliver" <jaime.oliv...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Hi everyone, 
>I am not sure if this is a bug, or just improper use, but, when using a
>single grace note expression with two notes such as:
>\slashedGrace {a'32 a32}
>I get the expected result.
>But when I use two subsequent ones such as:
>\slashedGrace {a'32} \slashedGrace {a32}
>I get the wrong score representation.
>I am assuming it is a bug as the software should be able to parse it.
>While it seems unusual for a human to write that, it would not be
>uncommon in computer generated material.

I don't think it is a bug; I think it is a misuse of the structure of
LilyPond.  I believe that each main note gets at most a single grace
expression attached to it.

LilyPond sends a warning that there is something wrong; the warning could
probably be clearer.

I don't know why you say "the software should be able to parse it".  What
does it mean to have two grace expressions attached to a single note.
What would \grace{a'}\appoggiattura{a'} c''4 mean?  Why should
\slashedGrace be any different?



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