Hi Urs,

Am 10.01.2015 um 15:29 schrieb Urs Liska:
I'm not sure if I understand your explanations. Am I right that the problem is *not* in addressing the score context but that marks are simply not supported yet?
And if yes, is this a fundamental issue or is it just that marks have to be added to the list of supported items?
well, I wouldn't call fundamental, but it is more than just adding it to a list of supported items. If one can tell, how to create a RehearsalMark-grob in a scheme-engraver, we can add that (quite) easily. TimeSignature grobs are another kind, I'd like to add conditionally or with the edition-engraver, if the instrument-transposition changes. Again, that shouldn't be that hard, there is a TimeSignatureEngraver, which does it, but it didn't work out correctly yet.

So, if one can show a scheme-engraver, that produces marks (or time-sigs) programmaticly, I can easily add it to the edition-engraver.

Best, Jan-Peter

Am 10.01.2015 um 11:35 schrieb Jan-Peter Voigt:
Hi Urs, hi list,

as I am the inventor of the edition-engraver, I'd like to try some explanation ... The edition-engraver is a scheme-engraver, which looks at most of the defined hooks, if there are mods for its id on the current time (= measure + position-in-measure).
They are:

* initialize : init engraver with id
* acknowledgers:
       * paper-column-interface : catch up with break events
* start-translation-timestep : context-mod-apply, overrides, sets
* stop-translation-timestep : revert overrides and sets, which are tagged with 'once'
* process-music : create grobs for TextScript-events
* finalize : write edition-log-file, if context is Score

As you can see, mark-events are not processed right now. This is an engraver and engravers should be able to engrave any grob. I am going to - my time is still filled up with other workings to do, totally unrelated to lilypond ... - so, I am going to redesign the edition-engraver that it can deal more flexible with the id as you, Kieren et al. proposed. Another thing is, to create other grobs, like marks, KeySignatures and such. It might be possible to utilize existing engravers for such a path. Right now the id is injected on creation, so each edition-engraver is a unique object. On redesign, I will make the engraver a common object, which looks for a context-property 'edition-id' (or the like). Then the engraver can be consisted globally in the layout block to all contexts and the id just be set as a context-property as needed.

And on redesign, I hope to write some comments in some more readable, organized code ;)

For now :)
Best, Jan-Peter

P.S.: A happy new year to you!

Am 09.01.2015 um 18:31 schrieb Urs Liska:
Hi folks,

I've successfully managed to add \break events to a score with the edition-engraver. With a wrapper function I can now maintain all manual breaks in one Scheme list.

Another thing I find very useful is passing skipTypesetting events to the score, so I could create a function to compile parts of a score only (e.g. measure 50-67 or page 3-5 (which can be deduced from the above list of (original) page breaks).

However,what doesn't seem to work is passing \mark events that way with

\editionMod fullscore 5 0/4 score.Score.A \mark \default

Is it known that I don't get them in the score like this? Do I have to create a dummy voice and add it to a staff? Anything else I could do?

While I am extremely impressed by the edition-engraver I' m often at a loss because editing is somewhat like flying in the dark.


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