The following snippet is based on the afterGrace snippet on p.136 of the 
2.19.15 Notation manual:

\version "2.19.15"

\score {
      \new Staff \relative c'' {                               
                             d1\startTrillSpan { c32[ d]\stopTrillSpan }
                             c2 r2
      \new Staff \relative c'' {
                             \repeat unfold 16 d8 
                             d8 r8 r4 r2
  \layout {}
  \midi {}

This snippet produces the attached output, showing that the two grace notes 
occur after beat 3 and before beat 4 of the second measure; the midi file also 
shows this.  This doesn't seem right to me.  I think they should occur much 
later in the second measure.  Is this output correct?  Is there a way to slide 
them to just before the bar line at the end of measure 2?

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