Am 20. Januar 2015 07:47:20 MEZ, schrieb Steve Lacy <>:
>I'm transcribing a Mendelssohn score, and am trying to get Lilypond to
>notes about as densely as they are in the original score.  For example,
>trying to fit a snippet like this onto a single line:
>\version "2.16.2"
>\language "english"
>\relative c''' {
>  \key e \minor
>  \mark \default
>  \time 2/2
>  b2->\f\>(\times 2/3 { b8\!)[fs8-1(g8] a8[g8-3 fs8] } |
>\times 2/3 { g8->)[ds-1(e8]  fs8[e8 ds8] e8)[as,-1(b-2] c-3[b-2 as-1] |
>  b8-1->)[fs(g]  a[g fs] } g->) e\<(g) b_- |
>  e8---4 e---0 g-- b-- e4.---0\sf(e8-.) |
>  e2(\sf\> \times 2/3 { e8\!)[b8-2(c8] d8[c8 b8] } |
>I've tried adding:
>\override SpacingSpanner #'base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1
>But this seems to have no or only very little effect on the default
>spacing, even with make-moment up to 2/1 or higher.  For reference I'd
>the formatting to match something like this:
>[image: Inline image 1]
>I can get the desired result by adding a "\noBreak" at the end of every
>but that's very laborious and makes the .ly file quite a bit uglier.
>(even using an alias like nb = { \noBreak })
>Are there other tricks for very densely formatted scores?

Have a look at
and see if it helps.

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