\version "2.18.0"
\include "english.ly"


I will try to be careful here since last time I offered help with chords I
got mercilessly flamed.

There are two stages of lilypond chords:  input and formatting.
    o If either one is incorrect, you won't get what you want.
    o If one of them is correct, you need to fix the other one.
    o Fiddling with the one that is correct will not get you any closer,
and may get you farther away.

As you are probably aware, the input syntax is defined at

One sure-fire way to debug chord issues is to use the chordmode to print
the notes that lilypond interpreted from your input syntax.


whereOhWhereIsMySusChord = \chordmode {
  g1:4.7 g:7.4 g:sus g:4 g:sus4.7

  \new ChordNames { \whereOhWhereIsMySusChord }


Once you have found an input syntax which gives you the notes you want in
your chord,
(in this case, it is g1:sus4.7) then you can fiddle with the formatting

In case you want a library that agrees with your notion of a sus7 chord,
you are welcome to use mine:

Or, you can add the sus7 chord definition as Brett suggested:


myChordExceptions = {
     <c f g bf>-\markup { \super "sus7" }
chExceptions = #(append (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions
myChordExceptions #t) ignatzekExceptions)

hereIsMySusChord = \chordmode {
  \set chordChanges = ##t
  \set chordNameExceptions = #chExceptions

\score {
  \new StaffGroup <<
    \new ChordNames \hereIsMySusChord
    \new Staff {
      %  NOTE: you do not need to include the chords here as notes.
      %  This is just a demonstration that the notes in the chord are the
ones you want.


Side note:  I would not refer to the syntax of the chord formatting library
(or most any musical entry) as "scheme".
Lilypond is interpreted by scheme, but it is really a custom syntax unique
to lilypond.
Even if you understood scheme, it would not help you one bit in
understanding this syntax.



David Elaine Alt
415 . 341 .4954                                           "*Confusion is
highly underrated*"
skype: flaming_hakama
Producer ~ Composer ~ Instrumentalist
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