On Tue, 17 Sep 2002, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

> > I think of introducing them to emacs, gcc and gdb - any suggestions on how to
> > introduce such applications to people which are not all computer literate?
> Don't forget make.
> But then again, this is a lot to learn for a simple basic C course. Are
> you sure they will study it?

Yes. 'make' too.

I will probably show them all this in the first and second recitations, where
there isn't much C to show them (at first they will probably see more C
in the lectures, than in the recitations) - so it is a good chance to show them
how to work with the environment. I will also give them some reception hours on
basic shell manuvering, e.g. ls, cat, cd find etc.

> I have a feeling most of them will actually do the "coding" in more
> comfortable environments.

I am afraid you are right - but I still have hope...

> Look in this lists's archives for a small sample of something o put in
> your sample code that will make it work bad with microsoft's environment
> (or at least NT4. I'm not sure about XP). This sounds a bit too evil to
> me, though.

Naaa... :-)

Shlomo Yona

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