Next Monday (23/12) will we host Gilad Ben Yossef (GBY for some of you) to
talk about Embedded Linux. The lecture will take place in Taub 6 (usual
place), at the usual time 18:30.

More info is found on the website.

Please note the future lectures schedule:

6/1/03  - Dan Kenigsberg:  Hspell - the first GPLed Hebrew spell checker
20/1/03 - Muli Ben Yehuda: Kernel Hacking
3/2/03  - Meir Maor:       Emacs Power Usage
17/2/03 - Muli Ben Yehuda: Secure Programming
3/3/03  - Shlomi Fish:     WML - WebMetaLanguage

You might consider a schedule of 5 lectures enough, but I don't :). So if
you have any interesting Linux oriented topic you'd like to talk about -
feel free to right to me privately, and suggest a lecture. I already
received an Email asking we give a lecture about programming with Gtk.

Haifa Linux Club (Haifux)

contact persons:
Keren Guy       - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dunkelman Orr   - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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