On Wed, 20 Jun 2001, guy keren wrote:

> second - i was wondering about support for an application to dock into
> other types of toolbars. tzafrir - you mentioned support for window maker.
> i assume you refer to desktops running window maker without gnome and
> gnome's panel?  where'd i go about starting to see how to write a window
> maker dockable application? do i write it using gtk, or i have to use some
> other toolkit?

please share this info. thanks. even though i probably wont add support
for other desktops or window managers other then gnome, it will still be
nice to have pointers to the relevant FM.

> in any event, i'll "reveal" the code during the r2l meeting we're having
> at Haifux on the 2-july. did other people also get started with working on
> r2l?

i did, as you know. anyone else?


linux/reboot.h: #define LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1 0xfee1dead

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