On Sun, Jun 09, 2002 at 09:23:17PM +0300, guy keren wrote:
> On Sun, 9 Jun 2002, Muli Ben-Yehuda wrote:
> > > Unfortunately, I realized that I have a test in the course "Internet -
> > > Architecture and Protocols" at that day and time. I see too options: make
> > > the meeting without me or postpone it by a week. I will support both
> > > verdicts.
> >
> > Postponing it by one week is fine with me. Who is planning to come,
> > though?
> the question is - what exactly are we going to do in that meeting? 'a
> syscalltrack hack fest' is too vague. i dont' realy see what content we
> could pour into this title.

Stop being so negative, choo. 
I can give a short lecture, compromised of:
1. What is syscalltrack
2. How to use it
3. How to write code for it
4. What's next on the agenda ("syscalltrack, past present and future")

shlomif has talked about giving a lex & yacc demonstration in perl. 

I'm sure you could give a short talk on struct type casting
implementation, or the sct_rules library implementation, or any other
subject you feel like talking about. 

People could suggest features, experiment with syscalltrack (I hereby
volunteer my poor laptop for said demonstration) and just in general
have fun. 

Monday, the 24th of June. See y'all there!
Mersday 18 Forelithe 7466


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