Nadav Har'El wrote:
> Actually the current state-of-afairs in this mailing list sort-of answers
> your request: because there is no Reply-To: header, people usually reply with
> a (g)roup reply, keeping the original person in the CC: list. As long as
> this persists, the original poster will be able to read "his" thread, even
> if he bounces all the list's email to /dev/null (many mailing list softwares
> even have a "suspended" mode where you can post, but don't get the email).

I can think of a lot of people who don't subscribe to a mailing list 
because they don't want to receive the "tons of emails". Some of these
would not even consider setting up a filter to drop all the mails (and
actually I cannnot see any good way to explain them why to subscribe to 
a list if then you throw it away). Furhtermore these people usualy
don't have a /dev/null on their computer.

On the Perl mailing list I maintain pressing a Reply would send the
reply to the list as I think this is the way go so there the current
state-of-affairs does not permit this work-arond.
I was thinking of patching the maillist program I use to support the
mode I suggested but I am not sure if that is interesting at all.

In any case that would give me a good opportunity to learn Python as
I am using mailman.

Gabor Szabo

Perl User Group in Israel

Haifa Linux Club Mailing List (
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