On Sat, 29 Mar 2003, Kohn Emil Dan wrote:

> Good evening, crowd!
> In december last year, I have subscribed to Actcom's ADSL service and
> received from Actcom a free (Apache Micro with Conexant Chipset) USB ADSL
> modem.
> Actcom said that there is no Linux support available for this modem. I
> searched the internet for some info, but found very little info about
> this.
> At first I wanted to change my modem so I can get Linux support, but
> shortly after that I thought I might take the challenge to develop a
> driver for Linux.

Way to go!

> So, I have developed a driver and I wish to release the software under
> GPL. The driver is completely in user-space, it does not use at all the
> PPPoA support in the kernel, it requires only ordinary PPP support. At
> this stage the software quality is pre-alpha. ssh/telnet/ftp connections
> work quite OK, however there are some problems during http browsing. On
> certain sites, downloading stalls. It seems that this behavior also
> depends on the browser used, but I have experienced these problems with
> all the browsers I have used (mozilla 0.99, mozilla 1.3, netscape 6.2.3,
> galeon, and lynx). I am still investigating this problem.

  Did you check your MTU/MRU values? try to reduce the MTU for the ppp
connection to some low value (e.g. 1000).

  What problems did you have? Can you make a tcpdump of the session?

> I would like to know if there any interest in this software, or if
> somebody knows of any support for this modem in Linux, which makes my
> software obsolete.
> If there is any interest, I would like to know how exactly I release the
> software under GPL.

  See the section "How to apply these terms to your programs" of the GPL at


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Duty, n:
        What one expects from others.
                -- Oscar Wilde

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