On Sat, Mar 29, 2003 at 09:44:06PM +0300, Kohn Emil Dan wrote:
> Good evening, crowd!

Hi Emil, long time no see! 

> In december last year, I have subscribed to Actcom's ADSL service and
> received from Actcom a free (Apache Micro with Conexant Chipset) USB ADSL
> modem.
> Actcom said that there is no Linux support available for this modem. I
> searched the internet for some info, but found very little info about
> this.
> At first I wanted to change my modem so I can get Linux support, but
> shortly after that I thought I might take the challenge to develop a
> driver for Linux.

Great! Was documentation available, or did you reverse engineer the
connection details? 

> So, I have developed a driver and I wish to release the software under
> GPL. The driver is completely in user-space, it does not use at all the
> PPPoA support in the kernel, it requires only ordinary PPP support. At
> this stage the software quality is pre-alpha. ssh/telnet/ftp connections
> work quite OK, however there are some problems during http browsing. On
> certain sites, downloading stalls. It seems that this behavior also
> depends on the browser used, but I have experienced these problems with
> all the browsers I have used (mozilla 0.99, mozilla 1.3, netscape 6.2.3,
> galeon, and lynx). I am still investigating this problem.

Try reducing the MTU on the relevant interface. If you see one
full-mtu-size packet going out from your computer and no answer
coming, but smaller packets going ok, that's probably it. 

> I would like to know if there any interest in this software, or if
> somebody knows of any support for this modem in Linux, which makes my
> software obsolete.

Not that I know. 

> If there is any interest, I would like to know how exactly I release the
> software under GPL.

You stick a LICENSE file in the tar.gz that says that this code is
GPL'd, and you put it up on an ftp archive or website somewhere. I'll
be happy to host it if you need web space. You might also want to
stick a copyright notice saying at least "this code is (C) Emil Kohn
Dan, released under the GPL" in each file. I'm sure the FSF has an FAQ
on the subject. 

I'd love to take a look at the code. 

Muli Ben-Yehuda

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