Hi Tom,

On 12/22/2010 06:51 PM, Tom Gall wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> I don't know if Paul was successful but I do "build systems" from the
> linaro/ubuntu packages so I suspect I can probably be of some
> assistance.

Great! Thanks for offering your help.

> This might be something better discussed interactively rather than via
> email but either way. You might want to join #linaro on
> irc.freenode.net.

I'll contact you on the IRC.

> When you're looking "build from scratch" are you intending on
> rebuilding everything with your own compiler options etc etc or are
> you looking to assemble a usable system from the already built package
> set that we have?

I'm trying to assemble a system from already built packages as well as
adding my own in case that's needed.

> If it's the latter this wiki page will probably be of interest to you:
> https://wiki.linaro.org/LiveHelper/Hacking
> It discusses how to build your own system images using live helper.

I'll give it a try.
What I'm after is putting together a Linaro based training for the
Beagle-XM. There are certain constraints, like there might not be
internet access, or it might be firewalled for the trainees. (That's not
always up to me)

So I'm after a way of adding things to the default rootfs and also to be
able to build simple examples (e.g. start with a hello world application).

The rootfs should be nfs mounted either for a cross setup or a native
setup for space reasons.

I would like to show how to build kernel and u-boot and would like to
load both through tftp.

Let's talk more about on the IRC. It might take some time until I'll
find proper block of time since my son is on holidays so it will most
likely be small junks of time I'll steal from you in the near future.



> Regards,
> Tom
> "We want great men who, when fortune frowns will not be discouraged."
> - Colonel Henry Knox
> w) tom.gall att linaro.org
> w) tom_gall att vnet.ibm.com
> h) tom_gall att mac.com
> On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 3:09 AM, Robert Berger
> <gm...@reliableembeddedsystems.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 12/15/2010 09:28 AM, Paul Li wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>          If I want to build the system from scratch, what should I do? I
>>> mean, where to get the deb binary packages of Linaro? Where to get the
>>> image creator tool? etc. thank you.
>>> B.R
>>> Paul
>> Did you manage to build a Linaro image from sources?
>> How?
>> I'm trying to do something similar.
>> Would like to build the last official release for the beagle-xm and/or
>> be able to add executables to it.
>> This means that I would need headers and libraries.
>> Regards,
>> Robert..."Experience is the worst teacher.  It always gives the test
>> first and the instruction afterward."
>> My public pgp key is available at:
>> http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x90320BF1
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