We playing around with a new meeting format. We may split this meeting
into 2, 30 min calls depending on how things go.


== Concall details ==

 * https://wiki.linaro.org/Resources/ZipConferenceLine
 * Code: 6893745032
 * Please try not to use the toll-free numbers if you can help it

== Agenda ==

 * Common
  * Discuss new meeting format, concall
  * Issues for ABS?

 * Platform
  * Connect topics
    * AOSP upstreaming, Arndale
    * Android Validation and Infrastructure
  * galaxynexus-aosp?
  * Ideas for making linux-linaro better
  * Vishal to send more agenda items

 * Mobile Development
  * Android optimization
  * big.LITTLE
  * Memory Hotplug
  * Android kernel feature upstreaminging
  * General Discussion

 * AOB

Feel free to add more topics here or in

Zach Pfeffer
Android Platform Team Lead, Linaro Platform Teams
Linaro.org | Open source software for ARM SoCs
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