On Thu, May 05, 2016 at 04:21:59PM +0100, Grant Likely wrote:

> I think we have everything we need to work around the location of the
> FW boot image without breaking the UEFI spec. The biggest problem is
> making sure partitioning tools don't go stomping over required
> firmware data and rendering systems unbootable. I *think* we can solve
> that problem by extending the MBR definition to block out a required
> region and then work around that. Tools can generically see the
> special region in the MBR and work around it accordingly.

> So, let me try to itemize the use cases:

I think there's one other slightly different angle on this which we
should address at the same time, creating fresh boot media for a device
("I just unpacked my board and want to write a system image to a SD
card").  If we can come up with a standard way of describing the
requirements of boards then we could provide a shared database of this
information that tools could use.  This might also be useful for the
less helpful requirements where it's hard to figure out what's going on
from the media itself.

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