A long time ago in Linaro we looked at the issue of openGL vs OpenGLES
on arm, including the possibility of a shim library to make it easier
for applications to switch between them.

Who knows about this and what happened/was decided?

The Debian QT maintainers are currently considering switching from
building QT for arm64 for openGLES instead of openGL because there is
a lot more hardware available (cheapish dev boards) with drivers
supporting GLES then desktop style hardware with standard graphics
card supporting 'proper GL'. Ubuntu did this 2 years ago.

Unfortunately building for 'either' seems to be very difficult due to
ABI incompatibilities.

In general we don't want gratuitous difference between arm64 and x86,
so this seems problematic, but I am no expert in this area and would
like to talk to someone who does know about this stuff, and perhaps
this needs to go back on the Linaro roadmap for fixing?

Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM

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