== Progress ==
   * Got got Beagle Board blacks up, installed all necessary
     dependencies to build toolchains. (TCWG-379 - 1/10)
   * Installed QEMU and Foundation model on all TCWG x86_64 build
     slaves. (TCWG-380 - 1/10)
   * Minor bug fixes for Cbuildv2 produced source tarballs to be
     hopefully now 100% match with what we usually release. (2/10)
   * More major bug fixes and some refactoring for Cbuildv2 produced
     binary tarballs to match with what we usually release. (3/10)
   * Meetings. (1/10)     

== Plan ==
   * Build static gdbserver for target via Cbuildv2.
   * More work on binary tarball building.
   * Add Win32 installer for Canadian cross built binary
     releases to Cbuildv2. (TCWG-381)
   * Once Jenkins has a node_selector for the new Beagle Board Blacks,
     get those working for native builds. (TCWG-379)
   * Get QEMU and Foundation Model running on TCWG x86_64 build slaves
     so Jenkins can use them for native builds. (TCWG-380)

== Issues ==
   * I got invited to Mt Everest last week... :-)

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