Progress / KVM Forum trip report:

 * As usual, we held the QEMU Summit at the same time as the forum;
   this is an hour-or-two invitation only meeting of the top 20 or
   so maintainers/submaintainers, discussing process and other project
   issues. A proper summary/writeup of the minutes will be posted to
   qemu-devel later, but IMHO this year the most interesting topics were:
    - Spreading the load of managing pull request merges; currently
      I do this with the aid of some hand-hacked scripts. To be able
      to spread this work among more people we need to replace that
      with a more maintained and standardized CI/testing setup. RedHat
      have agreed to provide some people to work on at least the initial
      setup part of this, and we got some consensus that the approach to
      take was to use Gitlab with some custom 'runners' to handle the
      'build/test on aarch64/ppc/s390x/etc' parts.
    - We talked about the project's general stance on 'plugin' interfaces;
      which can be controversial both because they commit us to maintaining
      a stable API/ABI and because they have the potential to be used to
      work around the GPL (eg proprietary device models). We plan to
      write up some guidelines here (mostly just writing down the
      existing consensus).
    - We also talked (again) about our handling of security issues and
      CVEs. My impression is that there are some parts of this that
      people aren't hugely happy with but that nobody has the time/effort to
      try to improve things (eg better documentation/tracking of issues,
      more prompt upstream point releases with security fixes), so things
      are likely to stay about as they are now.
 * Interesting talks (videos are being uploaded to: ):
    - 'The Hype Around the RISC-V Hypervisor' : the RISC-V architecture's
      hypervisor extension isn't completely finalized yet, but it's far
      enough advanced that KVM support and also QEMU emulation of it have
      been written. An amusing sign of the architecture's academic
      underpinnings is that this first version doesn't have any hardware
      acceleration of the interrupt controller, but does have full
      nested-virtualization support.
    - 'ZERO: Next Generation Virtualization Platform for Huawei Cloud':
      Huawei describe hardware for a cloud environment which offloads
      as much as possible of the hypervisor work to custom I/O cards
      and a custom silicon cloud-control device, in a general approach
      that's probably familiar to anybody who watched the Amazon Nitro
      presentation from the other year.
    - 'What's Going On? Taking Advantage of TCG's Total System Awareness':
      Alex Bennée's talk on the introspection plugin work we've been doing
      in Linaro (and which will be in QEMU 4.2).
    - 'Playing Lego with Virtualization Components':
      description of the Rust 'rust-vmm' set of libraries intended to
      provide useful building blocks for putting together virtual machine
      managers (like Firecracker, crosvm). Basically similar content to
      a presentation they did for Cambridge University earlier this year,
      but this talk's been recorded so is good if you weren't in the audience
      the first time around.
 * And as always the in-person networking is valuable:
    - Oracle have a "split device emulation into separate processes" idea
      that's alarmingly invasive of the source code, but Stefan came up
      with an approach that might let them do what they need without making
      the source code harder to work with for the rest of us.
    - Met the RedHat person who's going to do the CI-for-pullreqs work
      (see QEMU Summit item earlier) : getting this unstalled was probably
      the most useful concrete outcome of the conference
    - Finally met Aurelien Jarno (a longstanding hobbyist contributor
      to QEMU who usually can't attend these conferences)
 * While at the conference Drew and I managed to finally get the
   SVE support for KVM guests into master (the last hurdle was an awkward
   test failure on the aarch32-compat-on-aarch64-kernel setup I happen
   to use as one of my build test environments; we don't care about whether
   KVM really works in this setup but we need 'make check' to not fail)
 * Also managed to fit in some wrangling of pull requests; the timing
   of the 4.2 release unfortunately put softfreeze on the Tuesday
   before the conference and rc0 on the Tuesday afterwards; rc0
   ended up being postponed a couple of days as a consequence.

-- PMM
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