As of June 1, appointments are no longer required to visit the library!

Open hours October 17, 2021 – June 26, 2022


Hours open


1:00 pm - 8:30 pm


9:00 am - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 8:30 pm


9:00 am- 8:30 pm


9:00 am - 6:00 pm


10:00 am – 5:00 pm


1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Contactless pickup has ended. All reserved materials can be picked up in
our open stack reserved materials area and checked out. Patrons who have
concerns about entering the building can call the library at 781-259-8465
ext. 204 – we will be happy to check out your reserves and bring them to
the vestibule for you.

Please visit our FAQ page
more information about our changes in service!

*Saturday Hours*

Saturday hours will run through June 26, 2022.

*Sunday Hours*

Sunday hours will run through April 25, 2022.

*Holiday Hours*

In observance of New Year, the Lincoln Library will be closing at 12pm on
Thursday, December 30 and will remain closed all day Friday December 31,
Saturday January 1, 2022, and Sunday January 2, 2022. We will reopen at
1:00pm on Monday, January 3, 2022

*Art Gallery Applications*

Applications for our Art Gallery will be available both at the library and
online beginning December 1. The deadline to submit an application is
Monday, January 10, 2022. More information and applications can be found
here <>.

*Other Upcoming Events: *

Our virtual and in-person programming will continue as scheduled. Please
see our calendar
<>for more
information about our programs!

Who Picked This Book?Club

*Monday, January 3, 7pm – 8:30pm*


This week’s book is *Illumination Night*, by Alice Hoffman.

For Zoom information, please email Lisa at

Storytime <>

*Tuesday, January 4, 10:00am – 10:30am*

*Tarbell Room, Lincoln Library*

Storytime has moved inside! Bring your mask and join us in the Library’s
magazine room where there is plenty of space to social distance. For
babies, toddlers, and preschoolers.


*Wednesday, January 5, 7:00pm – 8:30pm*


This is a monthly photosharing workshop open to all. Bring your photos on a
laptop, CD-ROM or USB flash drive and share them with the group or just
come and watch the show!

Email for Zoom information.

Friday Morning Book Group: Arts & Artists

*Friday, January 7, 9:30am – 11:30am*


This week’s book is *Jim Henson: The Biography*, by Brian Jay Jones..

For information or to receive a Zoom invitation please email Kate at or Lisa at

 eBook Help

*Friday, January 7, 2:00 pm– 3:00 pm*


Learn how to read or listen to library books on a Kindle or iPhone! Kate
Tranquada and Elizabeth Creighton will show you how to borrow eBooks and
audiobooks from the Lincoln Public Library. They’re available for
troubleshooting too.

Contact Kate at to get the Zoom link or call
781-259-8465 x 3.

Opera for Everyone with Erika Reitshamer: A Tribute to Mario Lanza

*Saturday, January 8, 2:00pm- 3:00pm*


The name Mario Lanza did not belong in the hallowed halls of great opera
singers. He owed his popularity to second-rate Hollywood movies and sang
classical arias and pop songs to the masses who adored him, but also
inspired the biggest names in opera to become opera singers with the film
THE GREAT CARUSO. This lecture examines the extraordinary rise and fall –
and post-humous rehabilitation– of the most controversial tenors of the
20th century. It is time to reassess him at the centennial of his birth!

Our opera lecturer, Erika Reitshamer, returns to Lincoln Library. She
continues to enlighten, inspire and entertain Lifetime Learners, while
passing along her vast knowledge of opera and opera lore to Boston’s
educational institutions.

This program has been made possible by the Friends of The Lincoln Public

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 825 3778 0846

Passcode: 298683

Other dates in 4-part series:

Jan. 15, Jan. 22 & Feb. 12


Together Time Tales Parent/Child Book Group

*Monday, January 10, 6:00 pm – 6:45 pm*


Meets once a month over Zoom on the first Monday of the month at 6pm.
Begins October 4. For children in grades 2-3 and their parents. Families
will read a book together then we’ll meet for a lively discussion. Book
will be provided by the library the month before we meet.

Registration required. For more information or to register, email


Reading for Racial and Social Justice

*Monday, January 10, 7:00pm – 8:30pm*


This week’s book is *Evicted*, by Matthew Desmond.

For a Zoom invitation, please email Robin at

Storytime <>

*Tuesday, January 11, 10:00am – 10:30am*

*Tarbell Room, Lincoln Library*

Storytime has moved inside! Bring your mask and join us in the Library’s
magazine room where there is plenty of space to social distance. For
babies, toddlers, and preschoolers.

7/8 Grade Book Group

*Tuesday, January 11, 3:30pm – 4:15pm*

*Tarbell Room, Lincoln Public Library*

7/8th book club. Please contact for more information.

*Looking Ahead!*

Artist’s Gardens in New England

*Thursday, January 27, 7:00pm – 8:30pm*


Some of our most beloved painters, sculptors and authors were inspired by
the gardens they created.

 Visit the private havens of Edith Wharton, Julian Alden Weir, Childe
Hassam, Daniel Chester French, Emily Dickinson, Augustus Saint-Gaudens,
Celia Thaxter and others.

Jana Milbocker is the principal of Enchanted Gardens, a lecturer and
author. She combines horticulture, design, and travel tips to educate,
inspire and delight both new and seasoned gardeners. Jana loves to visit
gardens and historic sites in the U.S. and abroad, and share her trips
through her books, photos and blog. She published The Garden Tourist: 120
Destination Gardens and Nurseries in the Northeast in 2018, The Garden
Tourist’s New England in 2020, and is currently developing The Garden
Tourist’s Florida. The 2-acre garden surrounding her Victorian home
features more than 140 varieties of trees and shrubs, perennial gardens,
peony and rose beds, water features and shady retreats.

This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Lincoln Public Library

*To receive the zoom information please register for the program.*
for this event opens Tuesday, January 4 9:00 AM.*

Robin Rapoport
Reference Librarian (in the library Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday)
Lincoln Public Library
3 Bedford Road
Lincoln, MA 01773
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